Tuesday, December 22, 2009

7 Tips for Great Skin At Any Age

1. Cleanse your face twice a day - Did you know that every time you don't wash off accumulated dirt and environmental ‘stuff’ at night, you age your skin 27 days? You can help prevent some premature signs of aging by making sure you cleanse your face every morning and night. In the morning, you are washing off the residue of the cell renewal process, which occurs primarily at night. In the evening, you're cleansing off the day's effects on your skin, including exposure to pollution, sun, wind and office building air.

2. Use a skin care system - Putting together a cleanser, toner and moisturizer from what's on sale at the chain drugstore down the street is a recipe for disaster where your skin is concerned. Use a skin care system with products that are designed and formulated to work together, and you'll get much better results. Even you die-hard soap and water users could benefit from use of a skin care system. No more guess work about which product is the best for your particular type of skin, or wondering what to do when you run out and your drugstore no longer carries your "favorite" product. Gentlemen, this means you as well!

3. Eat a balanced diet - Yes, we all know that a balanced diet is the healthy thing to do, but did you also realize that a balanced diet helps with the moisture balance and the condition of your skin? Start with a minimum of 8 - 12 glasses of water each and every day, and follow up with lots of fruits and vegetables. Continue with a basic low-fat diet (but don't starve yourself!) and good-quality protein, and you'll have a recipe for not only good health, but also great skin!

4. Be gentle - Use a very light touch on your facial skin at all times. If you're used to rubbing your face or eyes vigorously (if you have allergies, itchy eyes or sensitive skin) you could be aggravating the condition. The skin on your face is very delicate, and the skin under your eyes is the most delicate of all! Never rub under your eyes. If they itch, try a cold compress or washcloth, or a cotton pad moistened with toner or witch hazel. Aggressive rubbing during your cleaning routine can also cause damage. Use a gentle touch on your face at all times.

5. Moderation in alcohol consumption - Alcoholic drinks tend to enlarge the blood vessels near the surface of your facial skin, and prolonged alcohol consumption or abuse can damage your skin. The overall health effects can be very negative, and they'll show up first in your face!

6. Get your ZZZZ's – The majority of cell repair and generation performed by your body's systems happens when you are at rest. If you're not getting enough sleep, your skin can't renew itself. Find the right sleep balance for you by tracking how you feel when you sleep 6 - 8 hours versus 4 - 6 hours over a 7 to 10 day period. When you feel your best for an extended period, that may be the right sleep level and amount for you. Try to ensure proper rest by winding down from the day's stressful activities so that you can fall asleep easily and rest completely.

7. Watch out for nature! - Blustery days with lots of wind can cause your skin to become dry and tight. We often protect our skin from winter's chill winds, ice and snow, but windy days in any season can cause skin damage. If you're riding in a fast-moving vehicle, or with the window down, make sure to moisturize your skin before and after the ride, especially if you notice any tightness. In fact, don't wait for the tightness to appear, take extra care with your skin every single day!

Follow these tips to help give you great skin at any age!

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